When you have successfully recovered a hog on our Oklahoma Hog Hunt the following guidance is given.
We do not offer cleaning in our base package. We do have several locals that will do this work but you must COORDINATE IN ADVANCE. If using a local, make sure you ask how long it will take. Servicing a hog 4 hours before you are supposed to go home typically isn’t going to work. Make sure you communicate what service you want done with the hogs, all the way from merely quartering, skinning and icing, to grinding, chops, cuts, etc
- If you do the hog yourself – Gut the hog where it died. If you are hunting in the summer months, gut it immediately. Wear latex gloves. The varmints will clean up the gut sack before morning typically. If you don’t wish to gut the hog OR you take some piglets, skin the hogs and debone the meat right from the backstraps, hams, front quarters, etc.
- There is a gambril at the cabin. You can hang the gutted hog(s) from it one by one and quarter/skin. You can use a folding table typically found on the porch to assist with processing. There is no fridge/freezer dedicated for hogs. If you use zip loc bags (bring your own) you may place your hog meat in the fridge freezer. NO MESS PLEASE. Clean up after yourself. Once you debone the hog meat, drag the carcass to the ‘power line’ road and leave them about 75 yards down the road. Again, the varmints will make short work of the hog carcasses.
- Bring plenty of empty ice chests. Bring plenty of ice. Think this through. Clayton, OK is a remote place. There is no Walmart within 50 miles.
- Keep your hog meat well iced on your trip home, especially in summer months.